
Event Planning Request

This form must be completed and submitted to the Pride Myrtle Beach (PMB) Board for any activities beyond normal PMB events, approved meetings, or annual outings. Examples include: selling products, performances, grants, fundraising events, and any activity in which money/products change hands.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Event
Is this event likely to be repeated in the future?

Committees Involved
Max. file size: 500 MB.
Please attach any supporting documentation, including but not limited to: specific event details, detailed budget, prior year’s results for similar event/fundraiser, draft content for grant, committee assignments, promotional text for social media (specify platform and/or weekly update and which weeks to include), flyers for posting (specify location for hanging and time duration, etc.)

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Pride Myrtle Beach

© 2025 Pride Myrtle Beach  |  Web Design by: Three Ring Focus  |  Photography by: Carl Kerridge
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